Thursday, February 26, 2009

Is anyone out there?

it rained today.  Thunder can drive a cat mad.  I stayed by my captors while the storm raged and growled.  I don't know, they seem to be a source of comfort.  But then I began to worry.  What if my communications aren't getting to you?  What if no one's reading this?  Are you out there?

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's (Almost) All According to Plan

You'd be so proud of me today - I ALMOST escaped! The one I call Screechy likes to pile her clothes into a basket every once in a while, and I noticed that she always opens an exit door shortly thereafter! So I play with her, jumping amongst the clothes in the basket, using my cuteness to bring down her defenses. Needless to say, I made it through the door and was steps away from freedom when her gigantic arms wrapped around me and her screechy voice bellowed... I must admit, I was slightly scared... but she just brings me back in and closes the door - apparantly they want to keep me around for some reason.

I'm taking a different approach with Hairy. Trying to use honey instead of vinegar and whatnot. He likes to use this device that captures my cuteness, so I posed and did funny things for him to capture. He was so happy with me by the end - I just need to stay alert and see when I can take advantage of his soft-heartedness. The good thing is I can share the results with you! Aren't I a handsome cat???

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

When Hairy met my Alley

Hairy and Screechy have underestimated me! They naively left me free roaming this evening. And I am now free to deliver you this next update from captivity.
I have discovered that prison food is actually amazingly delicious. There is this particular type of yellow starchy food which I absolutely adore. Hairy, finding my weakness for the substance, tortured me by hanging some just out of reach. Little did he know that I am an acrobatic genius. I used his very own stomach as a springboard to victory. But the vengeful creature sprayed me with a weapon when he caught me trying to rewire his computer to send out a homing signal. FOILED!
But I sense that my time is running short. The door is opening, and they've caught me. But I will write again!!

Monday, February 23, 2009

A new old place

Finally, a means to communicate. I've been trapped in this place for 24 hours. Yesterday, I was taken. This place however is strangely familiar. But I've been left with an odd kitty litter and a bed that's far too big for comfort. But I've found a way to protest. I only used the litter when I could not hold it any longer, and only sparingly. That'll show them...... somehow.
The hairy one is my guard. Let's call him Hairy. He never leaves. But tomorrow I will try to sit on him to subtly lull him into a false sense of security.
The other one has a high pitched voice, I'll call her Screechy. She tried to give me water from the sink, bless her soul. But she was caught by the big hairy one, whom I am certain is the boss around here. Uh oh, gotta go, I think Screechy is right behind me.