Wednesday, February 25, 2009

It's (Almost) All According to Plan

You'd be so proud of me today - I ALMOST escaped! The one I call Screechy likes to pile her clothes into a basket every once in a while, and I noticed that she always opens an exit door shortly thereafter! So I play with her, jumping amongst the clothes in the basket, using my cuteness to bring down her defenses. Needless to say, I made it through the door and was steps away from freedom when her gigantic arms wrapped around me and her screechy voice bellowed... I must admit, I was slightly scared... but she just brings me back in and closes the door - apparantly they want to keep me around for some reason.

I'm taking a different approach with Hairy. Trying to use honey instead of vinegar and whatnot. He likes to use this device that captures my cuteness, so I posed and did funny things for him to capture. He was so happy with me by the end - I just need to stay alert and see when I can take advantage of his soft-heartedness. The good thing is I can share the results with you! Aren't I a handsome cat???

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