Tuesday, February 24, 2009

When Hairy met my Alley

Hairy and Screechy have underestimated me! They naively left me free roaming this evening. And I am now free to deliver you this next update from captivity.
I have discovered that prison food is actually amazingly delicious. There is this particular type of yellow starchy food which I absolutely adore. Hairy, finding my weakness for the substance, tortured me by hanging some just out of reach. Little did he know that I am an acrobatic genius. I used his very own stomach as a springboard to victory. But the vengeful creature sprayed me with a weapon when he caught me trying to rewire his computer to send out a homing signal. FOILED!
But I sense that my time is running short. The door is opening, and they've caught me. But I will write again!!

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